Home .NET MAUI UI July - 2024

.NET MAUI UI July - 2024

It’s time for #MAUIUIJuly again!

Based on an idea originally started for Xamarin by Steven Thewissen, MAUI UI July is a month-long, community-driven event where anyone gets to share some of their enthusiasm and passion for .NET MAUI.

This will be the third year running this event, and in previous years we’ve had fantastic contributions from the community, covering an incredible range of things to do with .NET MAUI. You can check out previous years’ contributions here:

Each day in July, we’ll add a blog post or video to the calendar below, showcasing something cool you can do with .NET MAUI. Be sure to bookmark/favourite this post and check back every day for new content!

And if you want to participate and contribute something, even better! Keep reading to see what’s involved.

How to Get Involved

MAUI UI July is open to community contributions, and is an opportunity to share your passion and knowledge with the world. All you have to do is pick a topic and create a blog post or video, and pick a day in July to release it. If you want to participate, comment below, shout out on socials using the hashtags #dotnetmaui and #MAUIUIJuly or ping me directly (I’m on Twitter/”X”, LinkedIn, and Mastodon - links are in the sidebar on the left), saying which day of the month you want to release your post or video on. Once you’ve picked a date I’ll add your name to the list below to reserve your spot.

From there, just get started on your content! Keep the following in mind:

  1. The topic must be related to UI in .NET MAUI
  2. Your blog post or video must be in English
  3. Your content should indicate what level it is pitched at (e.g., beginner or advanced)
  4. Link back to this post in your blog post or in the description of your video
  5. Publish your blog post or video on the date according to the list below
  6. Share your video or blog post on socials, using the hashtags #dotnetmaui and #MAUIUIJuly

That’s it! Looking forward to seeing what you all come up with. :)

What should my content cover?

Completely up to you! As long as it’s related to .NET MAUI UI, feel free to be as creative as you like. Some common topics people like for this kind of thing include:

  • Replicate the UI of a well known app (see this post for example)
  • Pick a fun or interesting design from Dribbble and show how you can build it with .NET MAUI
  • Deep dive into a .NET MAUI UI feature
  • Build a popular UI control that doesn’t come in the box (like a bottom sheet for example)

These are just examples. If you think something is interesting, there’s a good chance the rest of the community will want to see you explain it.

.NET MAUI UI July Schedule

1Matt Goldman📰 Adding a parallax effect to CollectionView
2David Ortinau📰 All the lists in .NET MAUI
3Luis Beltran📰 Animated splash screen in .NET MAUI Android
4Vladislav Antonyuk📰 Barcode scanning with .NET MAUI
5David Platt📺 The Joy of UX in .NET MAUI: An MBTA Case Study
7Sebastian Jensen📰 Creating a Gauge Control with SkiaSharp in .NET MAUI
8Roman Jasek📰 MAUI Environment Ribbon Part 1 (links to parts 2 & 3)
9Mark Allibone📰 Getting fit with MAUIReactor
10Daniel Quintero Henao📺 Custom animations in .NET MAUI (Spanish)
11Matthew Robbins & SSW TV📺 Building Red Point - Unity + .NET MAUI Rock CLimbing app
12Anton Polkanov📺 Getting started with Android bindings in .NET MAUI
13Michael Stonis📰 What is this sheet? A bottom sheet for .NET MAUI
14Michael Stonis📰 In-page Navigation for .NET MAUI
15Nick Kovalsky📰 The Quest to Create Drawn .NET MAUI Apps
16Roman Jasek📰 MAUI Environment Ribbon Part 4 (links to parts 5 & 6)
17Diego Rivero📰 Emojis in .NET MAUI
18Julian Ewers-Peters📰 White-labelling .NET MAUI apps
19Matt Goldman📰 Passing through attached behaviors to a child control
20Shaun Lawrence🤒 Coming soon…
21Nick Alonge📰 Using browser local storage with .NET MAUI Blazor hybrid
22Sam Basu📰 Web Styles in Native Apps
23David Nsai📰 Creating engaging onboarding experiences with DevExpress
24Héctor Pérez📰 Apply Different Item Templates in One CollectionView
25Pavle DavitkovićTBA
26Farshad Momtaz📰 Building a Sudoku game in .NET MAUI
27Adolfo MarinucciBuilding a task management app with MAUIReactor
28Daniel MonettelliTBA
29David OrtinauTBA
30Tanaka MawereMaking an InDrive/Uber clone using MAUI
31Brandon MinnickUpgrading from Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.Markup to CommunityToolkit.Maui.Markup

I hope you enjoy .NET MAUI UI July!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

The Status Quo Bias and Overcorrection

Parallax CollectionView in .NET MAUI