Home The Beer Driven Devs
The Beer Driven Devs

The Beer Driven Devs

Beer Driven Devs cover art image

Welcome to the home of “The Beer Driven Devs,” a frothy fortnightly podcast experience, hosted by me and Liam Elliott. Episodes, generally around 40 minutes each, are available every two weeks on Apple Podcasts and Spotify (coming soon to Google and Amazon), or you can tune in directly on the Beer Driven Dev website.

About the Podcast:

Indulge in the perfect blend of technology and beer with us! As two passionate software engineers and homebrewers, we code with one hand and raise a beer with the other. Our episodes cover a diverse range of topics inspired by the tech industry. From high-level developments in AI, cloud, and VR to changes in development practices, industry trends, and leadership stories, we’ve got it all. And of course, each episode concludes with a little beer talk, celebrating our homebrewing adventures.

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Stay updated with the latest episodes and join our tech and beer conversations on Twitter @BeerDrivenDevs.

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Don’t miss out! Subscribe to “The Beer Driven Devs” on your preferred platform and join us every fortnight for a fresh serving of tech insights, industry updates, and beer banter.

Cheers to technology and beer! 🍻