
Passthrough Behavior: Attaching things where they don't belong

Introduction I spent some time over the last year helping TrashMob build their mobile app. TrashMob is an initiative designed to allow people to self-organise community cleanup events - it’s a won...

Parallax CollectionView in .NET MAUI

Parallax is one of those effects that is dangerously easy to overuse in your apps, but equally, when done right, can add an extra “wow!” factor that elevates an otherwise flat app to give it some d...

.NET MAUI UI July - 2024

It’s time for #MAUIUIJuly again! Based on an idea originally started for Xamarin by Steven Thewissen, MAUI UI July is a month-long, community-driven event where anyone gets to share some of their ...

The Status Quo Bias and Overcorrection

In my last post I discussed cognitive biases in decision making and introduced the concept of the platinum hammer. An extension of the well-known golden hammer, the platinum hammer is a predilectio...

The Right Tool for the Job: Beyond the Golden Hammer

Introduction to cognitive biases in decision making Most of us aim to use the right tool for the job, navigating the balance between tried and trusted methods and the allure of new solutions. This...

Orientation state changes on iPad in .NET MAUI

Recently I’ve been looking at building .NET MAUI apps that give first-class experiences on mobile, desktop, and tablets. It’s important for desktop users to feel like they’re using a desktop app, r...

Differentiating device idiom dependencies in .NET MAUI

While working on my upcoming hands-on .NET MAUI workshop for NDC (note - link will probably not work after the conference), I was thinking about different layouts for desktop, tablet, and mobile ap...

Understanding .NET MAUI Page and Navigation Lifecycle Event Order

As I prepare for my hands-on .NET MAUI workshop for NDC in February, I found myself delving into the specifics of the .NET MAUI page and navigation lifecycle events. Particularly, I was interested ...

Remembering Mike

This post is a bit different to my usual content, and a bit longer too. For anyone just here for tech and dev stuff, please feel free to skip this one. Four and a half years ago, on 19th March 201...

Unexpected Exceptions in EF Core 7+ Migrations

I recently encountered an intriguing issue with EF Core migrations that I hadn’t seen before — suddenly getting exceptions when trying to create or apply migrations. Interestingly, the migrations w...